A data visualization project around different flows crossing the central street "Via Aurelio Saffi" in Urbino.
Sun movement, rainfall subjected areas, peoples and cars flows have been carefully measured measured during the research period.
In order to correctly assess the water flow a scale model of the street was built.
Group project, realized during the course of “Instruments for data visualization”, held by professor Marco Ferrari, ISIA Urbino, A.A. 2012/2013.
Simone Ellero, Giammarco Gaudenzi, Riccardo Govoni, Giovanni Pignoni.
As consequence of my deep passion for headphones I redesigned the packaging for the vintage AKG K241 stereo headphones (very similar to the still in production K240 Studio).
The packaging includes a fully functional paper headphone stand, cheaper to produce than the wood made ones and more appropriate for a mid-class / mid-priced model like the K241.
The K 241 was the first headphone to use semipermeable material (an acoustically selected paper membrane) to fine tune the frequency response and is there for a milestone in acoustic design.
Project realized during the course of “Packaging”, held by professor Francesco Tacconi, ISIA Urbino, A.A. 2013/2014.
During the second and third year as an ISIA student, I have been an active part of the entity we used to call “Simplification Center Isia”.
Lending library modules
A small group of students, coordinated by the director and professor Luciano Perondi in the effort of redesign and simplify the paperwork that keeps our university running.
My major contributor has been developing easy to use pdf interactive forms. Fillable by hand or by computer, taking great care in measuring spaces in order to balance the two usage scenarios. In particular, I curated the multiple university enrollment forms, more than twenty, that are still in use today.
The appearance of the light gray fillable fields is so distinctive that it has become part of the institutional image of the University.
Extracurricular project, coordinated by professor Luciano Perondi, ISIA Urbino, A.A. 2014/2015.
A small project to narrate the relationship between me and my dear old Volvo 240.
Project realized during the course of “Graphic design”, held by professor Marcello Signorile, ISIA Urbino, A.A. 2014/2015.
The pictures taken during a day, every 8 minutes, from the point of view of a person, are converted into sound thanks to MetaSynth. The data from the white balance and EV is instead used to create a variable bayer matrix that represents the color dominance and general luminosity that originally hit the camera sensor.
Project realized during the course of “Graphic design”, held by professor Marcello Signorile, ISIA Urbino, A.A. 2014/2015.
'REMC' is a concept magazine about the information material aviable inside a cloistered monastery. The printed material was collected entirely at the local Monastery of St. Chiara in Urbino.
During the research the nouns where interviewed about their “media” habits, in order to better understand how informations can get in the monastery.
Surprisingly they manage to be actually very well informed, accessing information from some rather unusual sources, including a variety of missions around the globe (most based in Africa).
The general approach and overall quality of the magazines is questionable, still more varied than might be expected.
Project realized during the course of “Sociology of communication”, held by professor Matteo Guidi, ISIA Urbino, A.A. 2014/2015.
The 21 - 23 project aims to metaphorically reconstruct the experience of running, with special attention to three basic elements:
The raw images were shot by me, running, holding a digital camera equipped with a self-made pinhole lens. The experiment was divided in two running sessions around the small city of Pianoro, the first -21- picturing on to the industrial area of “Pian di Macina”, while the second -23- was shot in the residential and rural area. All the images have timestamps, later cross-referenced with a gps position registered using a smart phone.
The two videos have been produced using Processing for image sequencing and MetaSynth for sound design, visualization and geolocalization have been realized using NodeBox 1 (python).
Project realized during the course of “Photography”, held by professor Luca Capuano, ISIA Urbino, A.A. 2014/2015.
Exploring the possible views around an object. 3d modeling using vectorworks, color using photoshop.
Paper model
Exploded view
Side view
Project realized during the course of “Instruments for data visualization”, held by professor Marco Ferrari, ISIA Urbino, A.A. 2012/2013.