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Pallinator is a small project, a simple python script that redraws a font using a grid of shapes. It can be adapted to do many thing, including recursive typography.

Personal project - 2015

Paratype "slab"

Parametric typography is a course about analysis of the relations between the typographic shapes of the letters. The analysis is then translated in mathematical models that can reproduce different part of a fonts parametrically using RoboFont and the powerful RoboFab library.
A lot of fonts.

My work group focused on the behavior of slab serifs and the various optical correction that are applied when a sans is turned in to a serif. I developed a crude but effective way of finding the intersection between a bézier curve and a line or another bézier, this permitted us to cut raw shapes with high precision.

Were the bézier intersection has been used

Project realized during the course of “Parametric typography”, held by professor Luciano Perondi, ISIA Urbino, A.A. 2013/2014.
Riccardo Govoni, Bianca Maldini, Giovanni Pignoni.


"braccio-mecc" is degenerated exercise started from the basic assignment to experiment with matrix. Try in your browser, the new p5.js version here.

Project realized during the course of “Mathematic for design”, held by professor Igino Marini, ISIA Urbino, A.A. 2012/2013.

Cognitive workload & Pupillometry
'Master project'

Development of a quantitative evaluation tool of cognitive workload in field studies through eye-tracking (Master Thesis and further journal publications). Development of a method for the measure- ment of cognitive workload in field conditions (eye-tracking and pupillometry). Eye-tracking data has been used alongside the video feed of the field of view of the operator/observer and the data from an external luminance sensor to quan- tify the luminous flux from the point of view of the subject and estimate the effect of a generic visual stimulus on the expected pupil size. The estimated pupil size is then used as a variat- ing baseline to remove the effect of luminance on the pupil size and isolate the changes relative to mental workload. This method has been validat- ed in the lab and then trailed in field conditions thanks to the collaboration of the Royal Norwe- gian Naval Academy. My main contribution has been developing the underling computer vision pipeline and adapting an off the shelve eye track- er to be able to record data on the visual stimuli. I also had experience in instrumenting and setting up eye tracking in the lab as well as in a mobile environment (Training Vessel provided by the Norwegian Navy).

Tool's Interface